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Win at precision of design and management July 25 th , 2017

The  road  of  Industry  4.0  achievement  is  customized  products  and  production  based  on  data. This process is more important for the improvements on the industrial design preci
Read:1745 Time:2017/07/25

Product Details

The  road  of  Industry  4.0  achievement  is  customized  products  and  production  based  on  data. This process is more important for the improvements on the industrial design precision and management precision. In one word, manufacturer could not feel each client’s requirement conveniently and constantly, so they usually produced one product integrated with many different functions and properties during the period of industry 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 era. However, production scale, standardization and automation could optimize cost and efficiency, which could also lead to global over-production capacity and fierce competition among manufacturers. Industry 4.0 era will urge manufacturer to produce the most required products of clients. Except production, this principle could also cover supply, sales, and other processes. Meanwhile , manufacturers will strive to control their operating costs of all processes within acceptable scope.

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