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Outdoor aluminum poles for every occasion


Read:3614 Time:2017/07/07

Product Details


We offer aluminum solutions for outdoor lighting in the form of light poles, smart poles for smart cities, flag

poles, and complete systems for traffic installations based on recycled aluminum and developed with safety

and low maintenance in mind.

We offer customized as well as standardized light poles, traffic signal poles, sign posts, cantilevers and gantries,

raise-and-lower poles, smart poles, anti-vandal poles, flagpoles as well as solar solutions.


Lightweight poles

The weight of aluminum is approximately 33 percent that of steel. The typical weight of six meter pole is

approximately 20 kilograms. Lighter weight is an advantage as less metal is needed and savings are realized on

transportation costs.

Long lifespan

The lifespan of an aluminum pole is very long, especially if the base is effectively protected and the pole is

installed with care.

Fully recyclable

The pole you purchase from Zhongjda is made of environmentally friendly materials and designed for reuse in a

technical cycle. You also have the guarantee that you are working with a company that uses green energy and has

a policy in which social responsibility is paramount.

When aluminum poles are replaced they can be returned to Zhongjda where we collect, buy and recycle them for

eternal life.

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