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Lighter trucks are better and save costs


Read:1560 Time:2017/07/05

Product Details


By switching to aluminum components, trucks become lighter. Lighter trucks ensure lower costs and a greener

ecological footprint.

Why are trucks so heavy?

Many truck manufacturers still produce components made from steel or cast metals. But today's industry is

facing challenges when designing components: weight reduction, safety and total cost. Sapa is convinced that

aluminum can be used to great benefit in many applications on commercial vehicles. 

Structural aluminum parts

Structural aluminum parts in the chassis and cabin of your trucks will give you improved safety and lower weight.

These are just two of the reasons why you need aluminum.

  • Exterior parts will have attractive and corrosion-resistant surfaces

  • Interior parts give enhanced aesthetics and functionality

  • Manufacturing costs can be reduced with well-designed aluminum parts

Heavy commercial vehicles

We provide components for all types of heavy commercial vehicles, including:

  • Cabin. Front under-run protection systems, roof racks, roof bars, instrument panel beams, door structures,

    bed frames and tables

  • Chassis. High-pressure air and hydraulic manifolds, brackets, trailer bows, side under-run protection beams

  • Powertrain. Fan rings, manifolds, fuel rails, oil pipes, housings


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